Monday, August 10, 2009

Boiled Eggs

This was my first time boiling an egg!  I've been wanting to try this cookie recipe that calls for a boiled egg.  So I've just been waiting for a time when my mom or dad made boiled eggs.  But instead I took the initiative and decided to learn to make them myself.  I made a half-dozen, and saved one my for cookie recipe.  With the other five, I divided them up to make two different egg salad recipes.
Olive and Dijon Egg Salad
2.5 boiled eggs
Roughly 2 tablespoons sliced pimento olives, chopped
A couple squirts of dijon mustard and mayonnaise (the amount of dijon and mayonnaise is up for your discretion.  You don't want too much that the mixture becomes too moist, or that the dijon is overpowering)
Mash all ingredients together into a bowl until a nice consistency, adding more or less of whatever you want.
Celery and Dill Egg Salad
2.5 boiled eggs
1 stalk celery, chopped
A lot of dill, sprinkled 
Garlic salt, to taste
Mayonnaise, to your liking
Mix all ingredients and add more until you achieve a flavor that you like.

This recipe was a little more bland, and I preferred the first one.

1 comment:

  1. You know egg salad was very popular in the south years ago and now people seem to forget about it. I like it and like deviled eggs, you can add your favorite flavors. I bet the olives were good. Great post.
    Happy Twirls
